m o r s t i k u .

"A mixed-media mess of images and electropsychedelifunkmospheric sounds all for the sake of Experimental Practice.".

Make contact: morstiku@gmail.com
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Reverse Time Tracker
/m/ /ɔː/ /stɪk/ /uː/

…is a concept I've been working on for since grade school (late 90's). I was writing some random letters across the bottom of a drawing and some of them in the middle just jumped out at me! I thought "now that's a word I've never heard before."


Currently reading:
Antkind by Charlie Kaufman

morstiku. is an oozing artist whose work is a fusion of slimestone and spreading minds. Art feels both alien and deeply connected to primordial roots. Experimenting within mesmerizing vibrant digital psychedelic landscape canvases.

[collaboration] with musicians underground. Release a multi-sensory symbiotic experience of visual art and music, where slime and sound become one.


Visions of a PLACE, the headquarters. Where all of this happens. Based on this maze. The lobby is facilitated by blue chickens-ducks (Azulpters). There's a mushine on the wall that dispenses Temporary Identity Badges (skeleton key), their activation is limited to 5 minutes. This will get the 'visitor' through some doors, indicated by door color. The walls are green and the floor is black. Behind the duck desk is a secret corridor that leads to the ADMIN offices. Here, there are more mushines and secrets to find. 'Visitor' can alter their landing suit.

Maze 4

playful, explorer, adventure, community, riskchangeexcitement, enjoy life, discover independent, growtch, enlightenmend, experience new things, freedom, embark on journey, goal is to experiences and more authentic life, stragedy journey and seeknew things, fear is to be trapped and conformed, personality seeker, traveler, wandererer, self directed, inovative, delight, WILD offroad, escape boredom, soundtrack for your journey.

Find rpgmaker.


#abstract #ambient #clay #diorama #distrokid #drawing #electronic #experimental #filmscore #garageband #goblincore #kitty #instrumental #morstiku #music #needlefelt #ontostrata #pixelart #procreate #psychedelic #silly #surreal #weird #weirdcore #worldbuilding #videogames #videogamemusic

rainyguildsnout_albumcover wabbodontknow_albumcover LSSW_albumcover HowlofRoots_albumcover MOVEMENT_albumcover MOVEMENT_albumcoverback slimestonecastle_albumcover slimestonecastle_albumcoverback ORWKR64_albumcover


ONTOSTRATA - Wiki - Tumblr

ONTOSTRATA is a science--fantasy / existential mystery / cartoon-comedy worldbuilding project.

Links:Lynx and rodent

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